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Why OROGOLD is the New Favorite Skincare Among Gen-Z

Gen-z girl

While OROGOLD products appeal to all generations, Gen Z, meaning those born between the mid-1990s and the early 2010s, have been increasingly flocking to these formulas, with many proudly declaring OROGOLD to be their new favorite skincare brand.

What is it about OROGOLD that has been attracting so many Gen-Zers? Let’s find out!

The Visual Impact of OROGOLD Products


As you probably know, Gen-Z is a huge fan of social media. This generation grew up in a digital world, with the internet and social media likely having played a big role in their upbringing. 

Enter the selfie era, with Gen-Zers being at the forefront of this. Selfies became a form of self-expression, enabling people to showcase their personality and sense of individuality in a self-affirming way. Selfies were soon an aspect of every part of life, including beauty rituals. 

As a result, Gen-Z started opting for beauty products that provided visual impact. Their favorite skincare brands created products that boasted an attention-grabbing visual aesthetic, which saw a number of OROGOLD products rise in popularity.

Take the OROGOLD 24K Deep Tissue Rejuvenation Mask & Collagen Eye Renewal Mask as an example. With its shimmery gold color, it’s one that will add richness and luxury to any selfie! Better yet, the ingredients within this mask are ideal for hydrating the skin. Between hyaluronic acid, sea algae extracts, and collagen, it provides an instant glow that Gen-Z absolutely loves!

The OROGOLD 24K Kelp Caviar Transforming Mask is also a favorite skincare product for many Gen-Zers. It’s a clay mask, making it ideal for tackling the appearance of acne breakouts, which many in this generation are currently battling. However, what gives this mask its social media appeal is how it starts off as a beige color and then turns yellow-gold once it’s ready to be removed. It makes skincare fun and exciting, which Gen-Z appreciates!

Consumers Become the Experts

Golden Dew Serum In Cream

Of course, as aesthetically gorgeous as OROGOLD skincare products may be, Gen-Z isn’t one to be swayed by appearances. Research shows that nearly half of Gen-Z consumers extensively research beauty products before making a purchase. 

What are they looking for? Quality. Gen-Z has seen beauty consumers turn into experts themselves. With skinfluencers all over social media teaching this generation all about skincare, they tend to regard themselves as skintellectuals. They make educated choices when it comes to skincare. They pick products that contain premium ingredients rather than being swayed by poor-quality products with clever marketing.

This, once again, is why OROGOLD has become a favorite skincare brand among this generation. Quality is something that OROGOLD strives for in each and every product. OROGOLD formulas contain some of the most advanced and cutting-edge ingredients available in the industry, which Gen-Z recognizes.

The OROGOLD 24K Golden Dew Serum-in-Cream is particularly popular among this generation. It contains several ingredients that started off as trendy but are now mainstays in the Gen-Z skincare routine, such as niacinamide and squalane. Gen-Z also favors products that are packed with skin-loving antioxidants, which this product boasts plenty of.

The 24K Multi-Vitamin Deep Peeling + Mandelic Acid is another OROGOLD product that many Gen-Zers have benefited from. Many in this generation are still relatively new to the world of exfoliation, and experimenting with potent acids can seem daunting. This exfoliator makes use of bamboo powder as a physical exfoliant, which Gen-Zers are familiar with. However, it also incorporates mandelic acid. It’s the gentlest of alpha-hydroxy acids, making it a great way to introduce AHAs into a skincare routine without having to worry about damaging the skin.

Sun Protection Made Easy

24K Skin Tone SPF30

Although social media is helping Gen-Z to become the skintellectuals that they are, there’s no getting away from the fact that social media has some downsides too. After all, not every skinfluencer out there actually knows what they’re talking about. This has made Gen-Z very susceptible to believing skincare misinformation, particularly when it comes to sunscreen. They’re passionate and knowledgeable about other aspects of skincare but, for some reason, fall short on SPF.

For example, one poll found that around one-quarter of Gen-Zers believe that staying hydrated will prevent sunburns. With no one fact-checking this information and realizing that there’s actually no evidence whatsoever to support this, many Gen-Zers are forgoing SPF products in favor of hydrating formulas, which do nothing to protect the skin from UV damage.

Many of the Gen-Zers who do wear sunscreen often find it to be an inconvenience. This makes them far less likely to use their SPF products correctly, with regular reapplications during the day being almost non-existent. Sure, they may recognize that wearing sunscreen now will help to prevent future damage but the way in which many formulas leave the skin looking white or feeling greasy often overrules. 

With that said, the concept of sun protection has slowly been changing as Gen-Zers have been discovering OROGOLD. The 24K Skin Tone SPF 30 is the product that has been garnering all of the attention. This cream feels and looks more like a moisturizer than a sunscreen, meaning that it quickly disappears into the skin once applied. Packed with antioxidants, which Gen-Z loves, the fact that this exquisite cream also provides sun protection makes it a hit among this generation.

Gender-Neutral Skincare

24K Nano Night Recovery

Gen-Z is the generation that has really challenged mainstream beauty norms. They’ve successfully redefined beauty standards, placing high expectations on brands to be diverse and inclusive. 

As a result, almost 40% of Gen-Z beauty consumers prefer brands that produce gender-neutral products. Their favorite skincare brands craft formulas that can be used on both male and female skin – something else that OROGOLD proudly does.

Rather than focusing on gender, our products are geared toward certain skin types/skin concerns. The 24K Nano Night Recovery, for example, is ideal for anyone with skin that looks dull and lackluster. No matter your gender, it will leave your complexion brighter and perkier. Apply it to your skin at night and you’ll wake up to a new and improved complexion. 

The 24K Rejuvenating Skin Serum is another great example of gender-neutral skincare. This formula is all about giving the skin a boost of vitamins – something that every gender of skin needs! It’s packed with two forms of vitamin C, along with vitamins A and E. It also contains hemp seed oil for hydration, along with essential fatty acids. With hemp seed oil being a favorite skincare ingredient among many Gen-Zers, this serum checks yet another box!

The Influence of K-Beauty

24K Deep Facial Brush & 24K Sensitive Skin Cleanser

K-beauty has been world-famous for a while, but Gen-Z has really embraced it. With Korea being at the forefront of the skincare industry, constantly pushing boundaries, Gen-Z is a fan. Not only do K-beauty brands have instant appeal to many of this generation, but they also lean toward Western brands that have been inspired by K-beauty ideals. It helps that many skinfuencers are also K-beauty-crazy, giving the concept an almost cult-like status.

How does this relate to OROGOLD? Although not a K-beauty brand, you’ll find the same innovative nature in OROGOLD skincare products. Many of the ingredients that we use are K-beauty favorites while the way in which we get creative with our formulas has much in common with K-beauty brands. We love being inspired by skincare concepts and techniques from all over the world!

The OROGOLD 24K Rose Gold Age Glow Duo is a great example of this. Featuring niacinamide, sodium hyaluronate, resveratrol, and tropical fruit and flower extracts, this is a product that K-beauty fans would immediately approve of. Its two-part application method, consisting of a powder and a serum, earns points too. It allows the ingredients to retain their potency in a way that they wouldn’t be able to do had they been pre-combined. This is what gives this product its immense power. 

Cleansing brushes also became popular thanks to K-beauty. The OROGOLD version is the 24K Deep Facial Brush Set. It provides an easy way to both thoroughly cleanse and exfoliate the skin. It elevates a skincare routine in a way that very much appeals to Gen-Z.

Mirroring Morals

Gen-Z has strong social beliefs. They want to see diversity, inclusivity, and sustainability from their favorite skincare brands. Once again, OROGOLD meets the mark.

We’ve already explained how our gender-neutral formulas embrace diversity and inclusivity. We also make sure that our skincare products are suitable for people of every color. As an example, many of the products out there designed to lighten the look of dark spots or dark circles contain ingredients that aren’t safe to be used on darker skin tones. With our formulas, on the other hand, you won’t need to worry about this. 

In terms of sustainability, OROGOLD packaging is fully recyclable. The beauty industry produces so much packaging waste each year, and Gen-Z wants no part in that. With OROGOLD, they can shop guilt-free.

This guilt-free feeling is enhanced even further with the knowledge that OROGOLD products aren’t tested on animals. It’s something else that Gen-Z feels very strongly about, and rightly so. Thanks to this generation, animal testing is being increasingly phased out. This is something that OROGOLD has also been passionate about right from the get-go.

OROGOLD: A Favorite Skincare Brand Across the Generations

It’s easy to see why OROGOLD is a favorite skincare brand among many Gen-Zers. This is a generation that relates to the quality, convenience, innovation, and inclusivity that are key aspects of the OROGOLD brand. The best part is that OROGOLD produces products that every generation would benefit from. This means that once a Gen-Zer becomes an OROGOLD fan, they’ll be able to keep using OROGOLD products throughout their life.

Click here to shop for more bestselling skincare products from OROGOLD Cosmetics.

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How to Combat Seasonal Dry Skin Effectively

woman dry skin

Struggling with dry skin?

As frustrating as it may be to deal with the roughness, scaliness, and flaking that often accompanies the dryness, the good news is that there’s plenty that you can do about this. Read on as OROGOLD shares some top tips for effectively combating the appearance of dry skin.

Use a Rich and Hydrating Moisturizer


One of the best ways to immediately smooth and soften the look of dryness is by moisturizing your skin. The reason your skin is dry is that it lacks sebum – the natural oil that coats the skin’s surface. Without enough sebum, the skin struggles to keep itself lubricated, hence the dryness. 

A moisturizer helps to make up for this by forming its own conditioning layer over the surface of the skin. The richer and more hydrating your moisturizer it is, the better it will do the job. 

Ideally, you should have two separate moisturizers; one for the day and one for the night. For daytime use, the 24K Ultra Day Moisturizer from OROGOLD would be a great choice. Between hemp seed oil, avocado oil, seaweed extract, and sodium hyaluronate, it will both hydrate and condition your skin.

For the evenings, pick a thicker formula, like the OROGOLD 24K Rose Gold Advanced Cream. Again, this moisturizer is brimming with plant oils and hydrating compounds. It’s also packed with antioxidants that will have you waking up to a brighter and rejuvenated complexion.

Invest in a Couple of Hydrating Serums


Another downside to the lack of sebum that dry skin has is dehydration. Conditioning the skin’s surface is just one role that sebum plays. Its other is to trap moisture in the skin. The layer of sebum on the skin’s surface acts as a barrier that prevents moisture from evaporating away. Without enough sebum in place, moisture will evaporate at a much faster rate.

A rich moisturizer will help to slow this down but, at the same time, you should also be giving your skin some extra hydration. Serums tend to be the best way to do this. Thanks to how lightweight they are, they can penetrate into the deeper layers of your complexion, bringing those thirsty layers some much-needed moisture.

To make sure that the serums you’re using are hydrating, look for humectants on the ingredients list. These are compounds that bind moisture to the skin, providing immediate hydration. Some of the best humectants around are sodium hyaluronate, glycerin, seaweed extract, and collagen, all of which you’ll find in the OROGOLD 24K Termica Activation Serum. Our 24K Kelp Caviar Micro-Bead Serum, which contains a blend of glycerin, aloe vera, and kelp extract, is also loved for its hydrating capabilities.

Avoid Over-Cleansing or Over-Exfoliating Your Skin

24K Mousse Cleanser

If your skin is dry and lacking sebum, then this means that your skin barrier won’t be functioning in the way that it should. Not only can this make your dry skin worse over time, but it can also lead to a number of other skin problems.

So, it goes without saying that you should be trying to keep your barrier as intact and fortified as possible. Sadly, many don’t realize that when they cleanse and exfoliate their skin, they’re actually causing even more barrier damage.

Does this mean that you should stop cleansing and exfoliating? Definitely not. Both are vital for a healthy complexion. However, be careful with how you go about doing so…

When it comes to cleansing, use a gentle, sulfate-free cleanser. Sulfates will only strip away your skin barrier even further. A formula like the OROGOLD 24K Mousse Cleanser would be ideal! It moisturizes while it cleanses, making it perfect for dry skin.

Meanwhile, in terms of exfoliating, go with a product that makes use of gentle exfoliants, such as the OROGOLD 24K Multi-Vitamin Deep Peeling + Mandelic Acid. Mandelic acid is one of the gentlest exfoliating acids out there, making it suitable for dry and sensitive skin. Use it once or twice a week and no more, as this would only lead to symptoms of over-exfoliation.

Add a Hydrating Toner to Your Skincare Routine

24K Purifying Toner

Another way to give your dry skin some extra moisture is with a hydrating toner. The right formula can offer a few other benefits too. A good toner will rebalance the pH level on your skin’s surface to keep it feeling healthy while also prepping your skin for the remainder of your skincare routine. With a toner, your skin will feel more receptive to the other products that you apply, enhancing their efficacy. 

So, what qualifies as a ‘good’ toner?

One of the key features to look out for is a lack of alcohol. Many toners contain alcohol, which makes them extremely drying. These wouldn’t be suitable for dry skin. Others, like the OROGOLD 24K Purifying Toner, are alcohol-free, making them a much better choice. This formula is also jam-packed with ingredients that will hydrate and soothe your complexion, including aloe vera leaf juice, cucumber fruit extract, and chamomile extract.

Don’t Skip the Sunscreen

24K Skin Tone SPF30

We’ve already talked about how important it is to preserve your skin’s natural protective barrier. This means keeping it safe from all of the things out there that cause it damage, one of which is the sun. Not only will the sun interfere with skin barrier function, but it will also further dehydrate your skin. This will leave it looking even drier, rougher, and flakier.

With that said, many people with dry skin find that regular sunscreens cause irritation. This is understandable since many of those products contain drying ingredients. Ideally, you want a formula that’s going to protect your skin from the sun while moisturizing it at the same time.

This is why we created the OROGOLD 24K Skin Tone SPF 30. It looks and feels just like an exquisite moisturizer, yet it also contains UV-blocking agents that will protect your skin from the damage that UV rays can cause. While that may be the case, make sure that you keep topping up your SPF throughout the day. One application in the morning isn’t going to keep you protected until the sun goes down. If you really want to combat the look of dry skin, you’ll need to reapply your SPF every couple of hours.

Be Careful With Potent Actives

24K Vitamin C Booster Serum

With dry skin suffering from an impaired skin barrier, it can sometimes react negatively to potent active ingredients. All of those gaps in your skin barrier end up allowing more of those ingredients to filter into your skin. This may sound beneficial but, like with everything, too much of a good thing can be bad! Rather than helping your skin, all of that extra potency will only cause irritation and exacerbate your dryness.

This doesn’t mean that you need to stay away from all powerful ingredients. Instead, look for gentle derivatives of the ingredients you want to use. Vitamin A, for example, comes in many forms. Retinol is too potent for some people with dry skin, but retinyl palmitate is milder and doesn’t cause any problems. The same applies to vitamin C. Ascorbic acid may be too much for your skin but tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate provides the same benefits without the irritation.

If your skincare routine currently consists of potent actives that have been causing your skin to react, consider swapping those products for the OROGOLD 24K Vitamin C Booster Facial Serum. With gentle forms of vitamins A, C, and E, along with wheat germ oil to hydrate the skin, it provides an array of nutrients while also ensuring that your dry skin feels soft, smooth, and happy.

Use an Overnight Face Mask Once a Week


Face masks are a great way to give your skin some extra TLC. Of course, when dealing with dry skin, you need to choose the right face mask. Go with a heavy clay mask and you could end up pulling even more moisture out of your skin.

Instead, your face mask should do the opposite – give your skin an additional dose of moisture. Hydrating overnight masks are great for doing this. Since they’re left on the skin for much longer than a regular face mask, all of those hydrating ingredients will have more time to work their way into your skin’s layers. You’ll wake up with skin that looks beautifully soft and bright!

This is why the OROGOLD 24K Rose Gold Hydro Mask is such a hit among those with dry skin. With sodium hyaluronate, seaweed extract, and glycerin, it will quickly quench your skin. Meanwhile, the numerous antioxidants in this formula will leave your skin feeling healthier on a cellular level while countering the appearance of free radical damage.

Get 8 Hours of Beauty Sleep Each Night

Did you know that a lack of quality sleep could be making your dry skin even drier? 

If you end up missing out on some of your beauty sleep each night, this can cause your skin’s pH level to drop. This then affects sebum production. It usually slows it down even more, which is the last thing that dry skin needs!

If you’re hoping to combat the appearance of dry skin, quality sleep is a must. You should be getting around 7-8 hours of it each night. During this time, your skin cells will work hard to repair and regenerate, ensuring that everything is functioning as it should. 

If quality sleep is something that you struggle with, implement a few strategies to encourage yourself to drift off quickly each night. For example, cut back on caffeine and alcohol, put away any electronic devices a couple of hours before bedtime, and set your bedroom up to be a comfortable haven, complete with dim lighting, cool temperatures, and luxurious bed linen. 

Combatting the Feeling of Dry Skin With OROGOLD

Dry skin can be tricky to deal with, especially if your skincare routine or lifestyle habits are unintentionally making that dryness even worse. If you’ve been dealing with dry skin for a while and haven’t seen an improvement, it could be time to change your ways. Start by implementing the tips that we’ve shared above and you should soon start to notice that your dryness is no longer such a big problem!

Click here to browse more skincare bestsellers from OROGOLD.

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Your Holistic Beauty Guide For Summer

woman beach

Interested in adopting a holistic approach to your beauty efforts this summer?

This is becoming increasingly popular, with more and more people recognizing how caring for their skin isn’t solely about using the right topical products. Instead, encompassing a holistic approach, meaning recognizing how all aspects of your life can influence your skin, tends to bring much better results.

Ready to get started?

Read on as OROGOLD shares a holistic beauty guide with top tips to ensure that your skin looks beautifully radiant all season long.

Hydrate…and Then Hydrate Some More

Nano Ultra Silk Serum

Let’s start our beauty guide with one of the most important holistic tips out there; keeping your skin hydrated. Every living thing on this planet needs a certain amount of water in order to thrive. This includes the human body and its largest organ; the skin.

For some, staying hydrated and enjoying the glowing complexion that comes with this is second nature. Unfortunately, numerous surveys show that the majority of people don’t drink enough water. Not only does this have health impacts but it affects the skin in a big way too. Without enough moisture, your skin cells will look dull and deflated rather than plump and dewy. They’ll also function less efficiently, meaning that everything from acne to aging will become more of a problem.

To change your habits, make a conscious effort to drink eight glasses of water a day. Pair this with topical hydration, making the most of humectants. These are ingredients that bind moisture to the skin, making them ideal for providing an instant hit of hydration. Find yourself a product that combines multiple humectants, such as the 24K Nano Ultra Silk Serum from OROGOLD. Combined with your new water-drinking habits, your skin will look healthier in no time!

Learn How to Read Skincare Labels


If you want to follow the holistic path with your skincare routine this summer, just about every beauty guide out there will tell you that there are certain ingredients that you need to avoid. 

Parabens are at the top of the list. This ingredient group acts as a preservative, helping to enhance the shelf life of a product. However, at the same time, studies show that they’re common irritants. There are also concerns about the link between parabens and cancer. Either way, they’re not good ingredients for a holistic beauty routine! Although many beauty brands still use them, you won’t find parabens in any OROGOLD products.

Harsh acids would also be worth avoiding in many cases. Sure, they may strip away all of the dead cells coating your skin (while also taking parts of your skin barrier with them), but holistic beauty is all about taking the slow and steady approach. Swap your potent acids for gentler alternatives, such as the mandelic acid that’s used in the 24K Multi-Vitamin Deep Peeling + Mandelic Acid.

Turn Your Attention to Your Diet

Are you familiar with the phrase, “You are what you eat”? This is something that your skin couldn’t agree with more. The food that you consume directly influences how your skin cells function, meaning that any skin problems that you’re experiencing could be down to your diet.

You likely already know what you should be eating. Fruits and vegetables contain powerful antioxidants that will rejuvenate your complexion while lean proteins provide building blocks for your skin cells to work with. Healthy fats give your skin the essential fatty acids it needs to stay moisturized and supple.

On the other hand, sugar is known for triggering inflammation and accelerating skin aging. It slowly destroys the protein fibers in your skin that keep it looking smooth and firm. Meanwhile, salt has an incredibly dehydrating effect on the skin. It will counter all of your efforts to bump up your skin’s hydration levels.

Paying attention to what you should be eating, as well as what you shouldn’t, will ensure that you’re properly feeding your skin from within. 

Keep Your Beauty Routine Simple

24K Mousse Cleanser

If you take a holistic approach to skincare, then this means that you don’t need an overly complicated skincare routine. All of the aspects of your life will be aligned in a way that gives your skin everything that it needs.

However, this doesn’t mean that you can go without a skincare routine. You’ll still need one, but it doesn’t need to be anything complex. Instead, stick with the basics.

This means starting with a good cleanser. As mentioned earlier, avoid formulas containing harsh ingredients, like sulfates. Go with gentler, moisturizing products instead, just like the OROGOLD 24K Mousse Cleanser. 

The next essential is a moisturizer. Make sure that the cream you use is suitable for your skin type. If your skin type is oily, you’ll need a lightweight cream that hydrates without clogging pores. The OROGOLD 24K Kelp Caviar Micro-Bead Cream excels at this. For dry skin, you’ll need a relatively thick formula. Look for one infused with oils and plant butters, just like the OROGOLD 24K Deep Moisturizer.

The final step that every beauty routine needs to have? Sun protection. Don’t be tempted to skip this because, as you’re about to find out, it could make or break your complexion…

Sun Protection is Everything

24K Skin Tone SPF30

One of the most important tips that we’ll be sharing in this holistic beauty guide is to keep your skin protected from the sun. Not only will this save your skin from aging faster than it should but it will also help to prevent the onset of skin cancer.

When it comes to holistic beauty and SPF, things can get a little tricky. Many choose to go with mineral sunscreens as these products contain fewer chemicals. However, many mineral SPF formulas are notorious for being overly thick and difficult to spread. They also often leave a white cast on the skin, giving it a very pale appearance. 

Chemical sunscreens, on the other hand, are easier to spread and sink into the skin quickly. Unlike mineral sunscreens, which need to sit on the skin’s surface to form a physical barrier against the sun, chemical sunscreens work from within.

When it comes down to it, the key is to find a sunscreen that you personally enjoy using. If you’re trying to keep your skincare routine simple, look for an SPF moisturizer instead of a dedicated sunscreen. A product like the OROGOLD 24K Skin Tone SPF not only functions as a sunscreen but also works as a silky moisturizer, giving you the best of both worlds!

Consider Cutting Back on Caffeine Consumption

Cryogenic Contour Eye Firming

Our beauty guide has already discussed the importance of a healthy and balanced diet. However, where does caffeine fit into this? Many can’t function without at least a couple of cups of coffee in the morning, but what is this doing to your skin?

For starters, just like alcohol, caffeine can be quite dehydrating. Studies have also found that caffeine can elevate the cortisol levels in the body. This is also known as the stress hormone. It’s what your body releases whenever you feel stressed. As you’ll find out further on in this beauty guide, stress and the cortisol that comes with it can be extremely detrimental to the skin.

If the rest of your lifestyle is already pretty healthy but you’re a heavy coffee drinker, you may want to consider cutting back on this habit to see if it makes a difference to your complexion. 

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you have to completely go without caffeine. When applied topically, it can still be very beneficial. It’s great for perking up the complexion and giving the skin a glow, which is why you’ll find it in a few OROGOLD products. From the 24K Intensive Eye Formula Cream to the 24K Cryogenic Contour Eye Firming, these formulas will allow you to soak up the benefits of caffeine without any of the downsides.

Don’t Allow Stress to Overwhelm You

So, why exactly is stress so bad for your skin?

Because it raises the cortisol levels in your body. Not only does cortisol cause inflammation, which speeds up skin aging, but it also destroys the protein fibers that give your skin its structure. This, again, causes the skin to loosen, sag, and wrinkle.

Stress also leaves the skin looking dull and lackluster. The increased cortisol ramps up oil production too. This is why many experience a surge in acne breakouts during periods of high stress.

If you want to ensure that your skin is receiving all of the right care, saving it from the harmful effects of cortisol is a must. Of course, de-stressing is always easier said than done. At the height of stress, it can feel like an impossibility!

This is why it’s important to be prepared in advance. Put together a list of stress-busting techniques that appeal to you, from taking a walk in nature to writing in a journal to listening to soothing music. Then, whenever you feel stressed, give one of your stress busters a try. It may not completely eliminate your stress but it should help to somewhat lower your stress levels. This can often be enough to clear up your complexion and leave it looking happier again.

Prioritize Beauty Sleep

Finally, let’s talk about beauty sleep. It earned this nickname because of how skin cells regenerate and repair themselves overnight. Nothing quite beats quality sleep when it comes to caring for your skin!

Quality is the key word here. Your body needs to enter into the deep sleep stage in order for your skin cells to function most efficiently. Try to encourage this as much as possible. Regular sleep/wake times can help, as can ensuring that your bedroom is a comfortable haven. Dim lighting, cool temperatures, and luxurious bed linens can all help to encourage your body to relax and drift off.

Your Holistic Summer Beauty Guide From OROGOLD

Implementing a holistic approach to skincare can take quite a bit of consideration. In addition to reviewing and adjusting your current skincare routine, you’ll also likely need to make a few changes to various aspects of your lifestyle. However, once you’ve done this, it won’t be long before your skin starts to respond in a positive way, giving you a complexion that you can truly be proud of!

Click here to shop for more skincare bestsellers from OROGOLD.

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The Ultimate Guide to Skincare Products: Finding Your Perfect Match

product on hand

Have you ever felt overwhelmed when shopping for skincare products? With so much choice out there, this is hardly surprising! Chances are that several products have already caught your eye, so how do you decide which ones to buy?

Well, it goes without saying that you’ll want all of your skincare products to be able to work wonders on your complexion. However, in order for this to happen, you’ll need to spend some time matching your skin’s needs to the right formulas. Everyone’s skin is different, meaning that what works for one person may not work for the next, making it important to really listen to your skin when building a skincare routine.

So, where do you begin?

Right here! Read on as OROGOLD shares some top tips to help ensure that you always make the right choice when treating yourself to new skincare products.

Start With Your Skin Type

As you’ll soon learn, there are a few factors to consider when choosing new skincare products. However, your skin type is the most important. This will tell you so much about what your skin needs, along with which products would be suitable for meeting those needs:

Dry Skin

24K Deep Moisturizer

Many make the mistake of thinking that dry skin lacks water. While this may sometimes be the case as well, dry skin is dry because it doesn’t produce enough sebum. This is the skin’s natural oil. It conditions and lubricates the skin’s surface while also helping to trap moisture in.

With dry skin lacking in sebum, this tells you that the best skincare products for you would be formulas that can compensate for this. You’ll need hydrating formulas that are also rich in fatty acids. The OROGOLD 24K Deep Moisturizer, for example, boasts a blend of shea butter and vitamin E. They’ll hydrate and moisturize your dry skin while strengthening the feel of your skin’s protective barrier.

Oily Skin


Oily skin refers to skin that produces too much sebum. This gives the skin a shiny finish while pores also tend to be more noticeable because of all of the extra oil they’re secreting. With the skin often ending up overloaded with excess sebum, it doesn’t take much for the pores to become clogged. This usually triggers an acne breakout.

If your skin type is oily, you’ll need skincare products that allow you to care for your skin and give it the nutrients that it needs, without clogging up your pores. You should also seek out a good exfoliating product. This will clear away any blockages that begin to form in your pores, significantly preventing the appearance of breakouts. The OROGOLD 24K Multi-Vitamin Deep Peeling + Mandelic Acid is revered for how it keeps oily skin looking clear, fresh, and blemish-free!

Combination Skin


Combination skin features elements of both dry and oily skin. Most people will have dry cheeks but an oily T-zone, although the dry and oily ratio varies between individuals. 

When it comes to the skincare products that you use, you have two main options. Your first is to invest in two sets of skincare products. The first should be suitable for dry areas and you would use those on the dry parts of your face, and the second should be for oily skin. You would apply these solely to the oily areas of your face.

However, that can be a hassle. It can sometimes be much simpler to instead opt for skincare products that are safe for use on both oily and dry skin, like the 24K Rose Gold Age Glow Duo from OROGOLD. This way, you can use them all over your face without having to worry about causing problems.

Sensitive Skin

24K Purifying Toner

Have you ever found that your skin reacts to products that promise to be kind to sensitive skin? This is because sensitivities vary greatly between individuals. As a result, there’ll need to be some trial and error involved when it comes to finding products that will work well on your skin. Ideally, you need formulas that keep your skin feeling strong and supported while also soothing the appearance of redness and inflammation.

The OROGOLD 24K Purifying Toner would be a great one to try. With extracts from cucumber, aloe vera, and chamomile, it will leave your skin feeling calm and relaxed. 

Normal Skin


If your skin type is normal, this gives you much more flexibility when it comes to the skincare products you use. You’ll be able to experiment with a wider range of skincare products. 

However, be careful if you use a product that has been designed specifically for a different skin type. For example, if you use a cleanser that has been formulated for oily skin, you could end up interfering with how your skin is currently producing just the right amount of sebum. Do this for too long and your normal skin could turn dry. Instead, you’d be better off with a cleanser that can safely be used on all skin types, such as the 24K Mousse Cleanser from OROGOLD.

Consider Your Other Visible Skin Concerns

24K Intensive Eye Serum

Prioritizing your skin type means that you’ll be focusing on your skin’s needs. However, now that that’s out of the way, let’s talk about your wants. Most people find themselves wishing that they could improve their skin in some way, and the skincare products that you use should be geared toward helping you reach that goal.

Say, for example, you’ve noticed the crow’s feet around your eyes becoming more noticeable. If you wanted to do something about this, then you would need to look for skincare products that not only work with your skin type but are also capable of reducing the appearance of creases around the eyes. The 24K Intensive Eye Serum and the 24K Intensive Eye Formula Cream would be a great duo to invest in!

On the other hand, if your skin has been feeling tired and dehydrated, you’ll need skincare products capable of perking your complexion up. A highly concentrated face mask, like the 24K Nano Hydra Silk Mask from OROGOLD, would be a great addition to your skincare routine. This is a leave-on mask, which gives it even more time to saturate your skin with moisture and nutrients.

Understand Ingredient Lists

Have you ever wished that skincare ingredient labels were easier to decipher? Unfortunately, with strict rules to follow, this is unlikely to change. However, the good news is that these labels, although they may seem complicated at first, ensure that skincare brands are being transparent about what they’re using in their products. It’s worth taking some time to get to know various ingredients – those labels will immediately make a little more sense after that:

Ingredients to Avoid

Start by learning about which ingredients to avoid. Parabens are a controversial ingredient group that many choose to avoid because of their potential link to breast cancer. Certain alcohols are also not very good for the skin. They’re a great preservative but they can be extremely drying. Again, this is where understanding your skin type comes in handy. While oily skin may be able to get away with using skincare products containing alcohol-derived preservatives, those with dry or sensitive skin may really struggle with this.

Ingredients to Look For

24K Vitamin C Booster Serum

Once you know what to avoid, spend some time identifying ingredients that would benefit your skin. Not all ingredients should be used on every skin type, although vitamin C is one that everyone would benefit from. This antioxidant brightens, smooths, and hydrates the complexion. This is why vitamin C serums, like the 24K Vitamin C Booster Facial Serum, have become so popular!

Sodium hyaluronate is another ingredient that just about everyone should be using. It’s a lightweight humectant, loved for how it binds moisture to the skin. This enables it to immediately plump up the look of the skin, giving it a brighter and more radiant glow. These fast-acting hydrating qualities are why you’ll find sodium hyaluronate in several OROGOLD products, including the 24K Termica Activation Serum.

Incompatible Ingredients

It can also be beneficial to check that the skincare products you’re using are compatible with each other. This is where many people often run into problems. Make sure that you aren’t unintentionally combining multiple acids or contradictory active ingredients. It’s an easy mistake to make but is one that could have devastating consequences for your skin. 

Don’t Be Swayed By the Hype

Every now and then, a skincare product gets extremely hyped up. Whether due to a celebrity endorsement, a viral social media ad, or anything else, it suddenly becomes the ‘it’ product that everyone wants to buy.

It’s so easy to be swayed by this…but try to resist! Just because a product looks good and sounds good doesn’t mean that it’s going to benefit your skin. Instead, before handing over your hard-earned cash, follow all of the guidelines that we’ve detailed above to make sure that it’s a product capable of working well with your skin type and skin concerns.

Always Patch Test

Sometimes, even though a product may theoretically seem to be a perfect match for your skin, it could still cause a reaction, no matter your skin type. This is why it’s so important to always patch test new skincare products before you apply them to the entirety of your face.

Fortunately, patch testing is easy. Simply apply a small amount of your new product to a small patch of skin on your inner arm. Wait for 24-48 hours, checking to see if your skin has reacted in any way. If it hasn’t repeat the patch test but on a patch of skin on your face this time. If, once again, all is good, then you’ll know that the product is safe to be applied. However, if your skin reacts in any way, put a pause on that product and try to figure out why that reaction has occurred.

Find Your Perfect Skincare Products at OROGOLD

It’s not always easy to find the perfect products for your skin. In fact, it can sometimes take months, if not years, before you have a few go-to’s that you can rely on no matter what. However, by following the guidelines above, you’ll be able to speed that process up. Keep our tips in mind the next time you’re choosing new skincare products and you’ll be able to make all of the right decisions for your skin.

Click here to shop for more bestselling skincare products from OROGOLD.

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From Over-Exfoliation to Revitalization: 12 Healing Strategies

woman exfoliating

When it comes to keeping your skin looking and feeling healthy, exfoliation is key. However, go overboard with your exfoliation efforts and there’s a good chance that you could end up with over-exfoliated skin. Whether you’ve exfoliated too much or you’ve used an exfoliator that’s too harsh for your skin type, the redness, sensitivities, dehydration, and other symptoms that over-exfoliation can cause are never fun to deal with.

What can you do about this? Read on as OROGOLD shares some strategies to help your over-exfoliated skin feel restored, balanced, and revitalized once again. 

1. Stop Exfoliating For a While

If you’re suffering from over-exfoliation, the last thing your skin needs is more exfoliation. Over-exfoliation severely damages the skin’s natural protective barrier. This needs some time to heal before you start interfering with it again, which exfoliation does. 

Of course, not only does this mean putting your exfoliator away for a while, but you’ll also need to stop using any exfoliating cleansers or toners that you may have. Anything that even slightly removes the surface layer of your skin will only make your symptoms of over-exfoliation so much worse.

2. Switch to a Gentler Cleanser

24K Mousse Cleanser

It’s not just exfoliation that can strip away the skin barrier – cleansing can do this too. However, while there’s nothing wrong with holding off on the exfoliation for a while, the same can’t be said about cleansing. This is something that you need to be doing every single day. Skipping the cleanser will only allow irritants to exacerbate the inflammation and discomfort that you’re currently experiencing. This will make it much harder for your over-exfoliated skin to heal.

So, while your skin may usually tolerate an exfoliating or foaming cleanser without any problems, switch to a gentler, moisturizing blend while your skin is repairing itself. The OROGOLD 24K Mousse Cleanser would be a fantastic choice. The lather that it forms is rich and creamy, leaving the skin feeling soft and supple rather than irritated and sensitive. 

3. Focus on Calming the Appearance of Inflammation

24K Purifying Toner-2

Over-exfoliation can cause a variety of symptoms but inflammation tends to be the most common. If you want your skin to feel restored, soothing the feeling of inflammation should be a priority.

How can you do this? Start by making sure that you aren’t unknowingly making your inflammation worse. In addition to cutting out exfoliation for a while and switching to a gentler cleanser, this also means putting a hold on any other products you’re using that contain potent active ingredients. Retinol, for example, is an incredible ingredient but can make over-exfoliated skin feel even more inflamed.

It would also be a good idea to invest in one or two products that are capable of lowering the feeling of inflammation. The OROGOLD 24K Purifying Toner would be a great choice. With aloe vera leaf juice, chamomile extract, cucumber extract, and allantoin, your skin will feel calmer and less inflamed in no time.

4. Seek Out Ingredients That Strengthen the Feel of Your Skin Barrier

24K Rose Gold Enriching Serum

Do all of the above and you’ll be helping your skin barrier to feel stronger, simply by removing the potentially irritating products from your routine. However, if you’d like to speed this process up, it would be worth considering using ingredients that are known for leaving the skin barrier feeling thicker and more resilient.

Niacinamide is an ingredient that does this well. Peptides, aloe vera, and sodium hyaluronate are also known for the revitalizing sensation that they give to the skin barrier. Find a product that combines all of these barrier-loving ingredients, just like the 24K Rose Gold Age Glow Duo from OROGOLD, and you’ll be onto a winner!

5. Use a Gentle Form of Vitamin C


As you now know, the use of potent active ingredients should be avoided when dealing with over-exfoliation. However, vitamin C isn’t an ingredient that you should completely shun. This popular antioxidant has been proven to be a superstar at repairing the look of skin damage and soothing the feeling of inflammation. 

The problem is that some of the more powerful forms of vitamin C can be extremely irritating when used on over-exfoliated skin. So, while the ingredient is beneficial, look for a product featuring the antioxidant in a gentler form, such as the 24K Rejuvenating Skin Serum. It makes use of tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate, a highly stable and skin-friendly form of vitamin C. It also boasts a blend of complexion-calming oils, including hemp seed and wheat germ. 

6. Give Your Skin Some Extra Hydration

Golden Dew Serum In Cream-1

It doesn’t take long for over-exfoliation to lead to dehydration. With the skin barrier compromised, it’s not capable of retaining moisture in the way that it should. Instead, you’ll end up losing moisture from your skin cells at a much faster rate, with this simply evaporating into the air uninhibited.

Dehydration will only make the symptoms of over-exfoliation worse, making it important to take control of this ASAP. How? By ensuring that your skincare routine contains plenty of hydrating yet gentle ingredients. Some of the best examples include sodium hyaluronate, squalane, glycerin, sweet almond oil, and avocado oil. You’ll find them all in the OROGOLD 24K Golden Dew Serum-in-Cream. It’s a lightweight formula that will immediately bump up your skin’s hydration levels.

7. Turn to Creams Rich in Emollients and Occlusives

24K Overnight Cream

Of course, even if you hydrate your skin with the most hydrating ingredients, it’s only a matter of time before these also evaporate away. Ideally, you want to keep them in your skin for as long as possible. This is why it would also be a good idea to start using a cream that’s rich in emollients and occlusives.

Emollients are commonly used for dry and cracked skin. They fill in those tiny gaps in the skin, which helps the skin barrier to feel more complete. Meanwhile, occlusives form a thin film over the skin’s surface. They basically create their own barrier, giving your natural barrier some time and space to recuperate.

If you don’t yet have a cream that’s brimming with emollients and occlusives, treat yourself to the OROGOLD 24K Overnight Cream. With a blend of shea butter, sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, and safflower seed oil, it provides a great balance of occlusives and emollients, along with fatty acids that will help to keep your skin feeling smooth and supple.

8. Shield Your Over-Exfoliated Skin From the Sun

24K Skin Tone SPF30-4

As we’ve discussed, keeping damage to a minimum is vital when you have over-exfoliated skin. After all, your skin is already showing signs of damage – it doesn’t need more!

Unfortunately, as soon as you step outside, you’ll be subjecting your skin to more damage unless you’ve covered it in a layer of sunscreen. If your usual go-to sunscreen is only further irritating your skin, give the OROGOLD 24K Skin Tone SPF 30 a try. Since this formula functions as both a moisturizer and a sunscreen, it will leave your skin feeling soothed and revitalized while it protects against sun damage.

9. Soothe Your Complexion With an Overnight Mask

24K Nano Hydrasilk Mask

Face masks are a great way to give the skin some TLC. With various masks designed for just about every purpose, finding one to meet your skin’s needs is easier than ever. When it comes to over-exfoliated skin, you need a mask that’s going to do everything that we’ve already discussed; soothe the feeling of inflammation, provide moisture, and bolster the feel of your skin barrier.

This is where the OROGOLD 24K Nano Hydra Silk Mask comes in. It’s full of ingredients that will do all of the above. From sodium hyaluronate and squalene to a cocktail of superfruit extracts, it provides everything that over-exfoliated skin could want. The fact that it’s a leave-on mask makes it even more beneficial. Rather than only giving your skin 10-15 minutes to soak up its ingredients, they’ll have so much more time to penetrate and work their magic.

10. Apply a Cold Compress When Your Skin Feels Particularly Irritated

What should you do when your skin feels overwhelmingly irritated due to over-exfoliation?

If you’re looking for instant relief, a cold compress is the answer. This is a common method for reducing the feeling of inflammation, which is the reason behind your irritation. If you enjoy the relief provided by a cold compress, you may want to store some of your skincare products in your fridge. This will treat your skin to the same cool temperatures each time you use them, resulting in the same feeling of relief that you felt when using a cold compress.

11. Give Your Skin Enough Time to Heal From Over-Exfoliation

How long does it take for the skin to bounce back from the symptoms of over-exfoliation?

This varies depending on exactly how over-exfoliated your skin is. For some, it takes just a few days. For others, it can take weeks. Meanwhile, for the unlucky few, they have a few months to wait. 

Either way, you need to give your skin as much time as it needs to heal. You’ll know that this has happened once your skin returns to its baseline texture, meaning that it will start to look and feel just like it did before over-exfoliation took its toll.

12. Reconsider the Exfoliator That You Were Previously Using

24K Multi-Vitamin Deep Peeling + Mandelic Acid (1)

Before jumping back into exfoliation, make sure that you don’t make the same over-exfoliation mistake by taking a good look at the exfoliator that you were using. There’s a good chance that the product is too harsh for your skin, so consider switching to a gentler formula.

The OROGOLD 24K Multi-Vitamin Deep Peeling + Mandelic Acid, for example, combines a few gentle exfoliants to provide a thorough yet skin-friendly exfoliation. At the same time, it’s also packed with hydrating and complexion-soothing ingredients. Even if you do happen to make the mistake of exfoliating too often, these ingredients will help to prevent the appearance of over-exfoliation from arising again quite so quickly.


It’s important to take things slowly and gently when dealing with over-exfoliation. Give your skin plenty of time to heal while adjusting your skincare routine and you’ll soon be sporting a healthier complexion again in no time.

Click here to shop for more bestselling skincare products from OROGOLD.

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Beach Day Skincare Essentials

woman beach hat

Planning a beach day and hoping for your skin to look glowy rather than greasy? 

This can sometimes be easier said than done! With the heat and humidity causing your skin to produce more oil and sweat, beach days can often lead to shine, inflammation, and breakouts.

The good news is that OROGOLD is here to help! Read on as we share the skincare essentials that will help to keep your skin looking flawless before, during, and after your day at the beach.

Before You Leave:

A beach day can take quite a toll on your skin. To keep your skin feeling safe and protected, some prep work is needed. Start in the shower, cleansing your face and your body. Then, move on to these skincare essentials:

The 24K Classic Body Scrub

24K Classic Body Scrub

Whether you plan on wearing a demure one-piece or a revealing bikini, you’ll want the skin on your body to look smooth and soft. For this to happen, you’ll need to buff away any roughness or dryness with an exfoliator.

That’s where the OROGOLD 24K Classic Body Scrub comes in. Unlike many of the other body scrubs out there, this one doesn’t contain any harsh granules that are going to scratch or tear your skin. Instead, it exfoliates with corn kernel meal, which also works to prevent the feeling of dryness. 

There are several other noteworthy ingredients in this scrub too, from cucumber, chamomile, and marigold, to aloe vera, argan oil, and gold. Massage it onto your damp skin in circular motions for a minute or two before rinsing it off to reveal a beautifully radiant glow!

The 24K Classic Hand & Body Cream

24K Classic Hand and Body Cream

Once you’ve exfoliated your body, it’s so important that you follow this up with a moisturizer. If you don’t, you’ll leave yourself vulnerable to damage while you’re flaunting your freshly exfoliated skin on the beach. 

At the same time, you don’t want your skin to be feeling greasy for the next few hours. A heavy moisturizer will only give your skin a sticky finish, especially once you start sweating.

This is why the 24K Classic Hand & Body Cream is one of the best skincare essentials to turn to before you head for the shore. Although it contains a variety of plant oils, including moringa, mongongo, and babasu nut, it feels incredibly lightweight when applied. It sinks into the skin quickly, leaving it feeling silky rather than weighed down. You’ll only need to apply a very light layer as you’ll soon be following it up with some SPF.

The 24K Vitamin C Booster Facial Serum

24K Vitamin C Booster Serum

Although sunscreens are one of the most useful tools for guarding against the appearance of sun damage, no sunscreen will provide 100% protection. Sure, you could ensure this by keeping your skin completely covered with clothing or by hanging out in the shade but chances are that you want to spend some time frolicking in the sun!

That’s where a vitamin C serum, like the OROGOLD 24K Vitamin C Booster Facial Serum, can be extremely helpful. Research shows that layering vitamin C under your sunscreen leaves the skin feeling even more protected against UV radiation. These effects are enhanced further when vitamin E is used alongside the vitamin C. This is why you’ll find both ingredients in our vitamin C serum. 

Simply apply it to your face, neck, and chest, as well as any areas of your body that are particularly sensitive to the sun, and then move on to your SPF.

The 24K Skin Tone SPF 30

24K Skin Tone SPF 30

It goes without saying that one of the most crucial skincare essentials for a beach day is a good sunscreen. OROGOLD’s offering is the 24K Skin Tone SPF 30. It’s a moisturizer as well as a sunscreen, making it an effective multi-tasker that not only shields against UV damage but also keeps the skin quenched.

Since it takes about 15-20 minutes for sunscreen to absorb into the skin, you’ll need to apply this product before you leave for the beach. Don’t be stingy with how much you use. You’ll need at least half a teaspoon’s worth for your face and neck, plus more to cover your body too.

Once you’re done, remember to take your sunscreen with you as you’ll need it again at the beach!

While You’re There:

Just because you’ve done some prep work doesn’t mean that you can forget about your skin once you arrive at the beach. Instead, keep these skincare essentials to hand:

The 24K Skin Tone SPF 30

The sunscreen that you previously applied will only protect your skin for about two hours. This makes it vital to reapply your sunscreen throughout the day. To be on the safe side, give your skin another top-up once you arrive at the beach, even if it hasn’t yet been two hours since your last application. 

While doing so, make sure that you cover every inch of exposed skin. It’s so easy to forget about certain parts of your face and body when applying sunscreen. The tips of your ears, your eyelids, and your feet may not be at the forefront of your mind when you’re trying to protect your skin, but those are areas that commonly end up burnt. 

Remember, if you’ve been swimming or heavily sweating, you’ll need another layer of sunscreen straight away, even if two hours haven’t passed yet. Water and sweat will soon wash your sunscreen away, so make sure that your skin remains fully protected.

The 24K Purifying Toner

24K Purifying Toner

What should you do if your skin starts to feel dry or dehydrated while you’re at the beach? That’s where the next of our skincare essentials comes in; the 24K Purifying Toner. 

This toner is loved for its super-hydrating effects. It’s infused with aloe vera leaf juice, cucumber fruit extract, and several other ingredients that will not only provide a splash of moisture but will also soothe and calm your complexion.

Since this toner comes in a spray bottle, it’s so easy to use while you’re at the beach. Give your skin a quick spritz of this toner before topping up your SPF and your face will look luminous!

The 24K Hydrating Body Mist

24K Hydrating Body Mist

While you can go ahead and spritz the toner featured above on your body as well as your face, don’t forget that the skin on your body is much thicker than the skin on your face. The hydrating qualities of the toner will still help your body but they won’t be able to penetrate your skin in the same way they would your face.

That’s why we’ve also created the 24K Hydrating Body Mist. Think of it as a toner for your body. A light mist over your skin is all you need to give your skin a radiant and supple glow. Again, follow this up with a layer of SPF and you’ll be able to lock all of that moisture in for even longer!

The 24K Golden Multi-Corrective Solution

Golden Multi-corrective solution

If you’re planning on taking lots of photos while you’re at the beach, then the 24K Golden Multi-Corrective Solution would be worth adding to your arsenal of skincare essentials. 

This is a very special solution that has been designed to quickly address a variety of visible skin concerns. It contains a blend of fast-acting ingredients, from sodium hyaluronate and squalane to DMAE and peptides. Apply it to any fine lines and wrinkles on your face and they’ll immediately look softer and less noticeable.

You can also use this product to target the visibility of dark spots. Thanks to a mixture of gold, mica, and alpha-hydroxy acids, it will instantly even out the look of your skin and make those areas of discoloration look lighter.

After Care:

Even if you took all of the right precautions before and during your day at the beach, your skin will still need some care once your day is over. Here are some skincare essentials to help with that:

The 24K Intensive Eye Serum

24K Intensive Eye Serum

Since the skin around the eyes is so much thinner than the skin anywhere else on the face and body, sun exposure will damage this area so much faster.

So, once you’re out of the sun, give your eye area some TLC with the 24K Intensive Eye Serum. With aloe vera, calendula, and peptides, it will soothe the feel of your skin. Meanwhile, vitamin C, licorice root extract, and green tea extract will brighten and revive your complexion, helping it to recover after a day at the beach. 

Make sure that you’ve cleansed your skin before applying this eye serum. If not, it will struggle to work its way past the layer of dirt, sweat, and sebum on your skin, preventing it from performing to its full potential.

The 24K Nano Night Recovery

24K Nano Night Recovery

You’re probably aware of how beneficial aloe vera can be after your skin has been exposed to the sun. Thanks to how it reduces the feeling of inflammation in the skin, it’s a go-to when people are dealing with a sunburn.

The eye serum above features the ingredient but the rest of your face would benefit from some aloe love too. This is why the OROGOLD 24K Nano Night Recovery also deserves a spot in your collection of skincare essentials.

In addition to aloe vera, it also features chamomile extract. This is another gentle botanical that’s loved for how it can calm the feeling of irritation while soothing the look of redness. The peptides in this formula will work to leave your skin feeling stronger and more resilient and the green tea extract provides a long list of potent antioxidants that will help to repair the appearance of UV damage. It’s the perfect combination of ingredients!

Beach Day Skincare Essentials From OROGOLD

A beach day is the perfect way to take some time out of your busy schedule and relax. There’s nothing quite as soothing as the sound of the ocean! However, it’s important to ensure that you don’t forget about your skin while you’re doing so. If you want to keep your complexion fresh, smooth, and free of sun damage, it would be well worth investing in the skincare essentials that we’ve shared above.

Click here to enhance your skincare routine with more bestselling products from OROGOLD.

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7 Skincare Tips For Spring

woman mirror

With spring finally upon us, many people are now breathing a sigh of relief because of the respite they’ll be getting from the dry and harsh winter weather. With that said, although it’s true that springtime conditions are easier for your skin to deal with, it will still need some help in doing that. There are a few things that you should be doing to give your complexion a good start this season so that it continues to look its best even as the summer months approach.

Need some help? Read on as OROGOLD shares seven must-know skincare tips for spring:

1) Exfoliate the Winter Roughness Away

24K Multi-Vitamin Peeling

Due to the harsh conditions that the winter months delight us with, skin cells can really struggle. One of the impacts of this is a decline in cell turnover. This is the rate at which your skin sheds its older and dead skin cells, replacing them with the fresher cells that lie beneath. This is why it’s so common for the skin to look dull and rough in the winter. All of those old and lackluster cells stick around on the skin’s surface for so much longer!

So, once the weather starts to warm up, keep the first of our skincare tips in mind and consider increasing how often you exfoliate. You may want to add in an extra session once a week. This should hopefully coincide with a natural increase in sebum production – something that is stimulated by the warmer weather.

With that said, you need to be mindful about not over-exfoliating. Exfoliating slightly more often in the spring can be beneficial, but only if you do so with a gentle exfoliator. A product like the 24K Multi-Vitamin Deep Peeling + Mandelic Acid from OROGOLD would be perfect. With a blend of bamboo powder and mandelic acid, it exfoliates gently but very effectively. The fact that it also contains vitamins, jojoba esters, and coconut oil means that it won’t leave your skin feeling irritated in the slightest, even if you exfoliate more often than you did in the winter.

2) Lighten Up Your Moisturizer

Golden Dew Serum In Cream

As we mentioned earlier, sebum production starts to rise as the weather warms up. Sebum plays a few different important roles, one of which is to keep your skin naturally moisturized. 

This doesn’t mean that you can give up the moisturizer, however. An extra moisture boost is still essential to keep your skin feeling healthy, but you don’t need to turn to a thick cream for this. While you may have favored richer formulas in the winter months, springtime is when you should be lightening things up when it comes to the face creams you use.

One moisturizer that’s ideal for spring and summer is the OROGOLD 24K Golden Dew Serum-in-Cream. It feels like a serum, looks like a cream, and does the job of both. It’s wonderfully hydrating and full of antioxidants. 

The 24K Rose Gold Radiant Silk Cream would be another good choice. Thanks to the vitamin A, caffeine, rose hip extract, and amino acids in this blend, it will quickly leave your sallow winter skin looking perky and refreshed, without weighing your skin down. 

3) Be Prepared For Breakouts


If you have acne-prone skin, the arrival of spring is when you need to start preparing for an increase in breakouts. This is caused by the combination of a few different factors. Firstly, the way in which cell renewal speeds up means that dead skin cells end up piling up on your skin much faster. This is why the first of our skincare tips was to exfoliate more often.

However, even with a new and improved exfoliation regime, you’ll struggle to keep up with the amount of extra sebum that your skin is producing. This, coupled with all of those extra dead skin cells, means that clogged pores are more likely.

You then also need to consider the inflammation caused by sun exposure. When clogged pores become inflamed, acne breakouts aren’t far behind.

You may think that this means that there’s no hope when it comes to keeping the appearance of breakouts at bay. However, if you start now, you’ll have a good chance of sporting an acne-free complexion throughout the warmer months. Make sure that you’re cleansing your face twice a day, double cleansing if needed. The OROGOLD 24K Mousse Cleanser works well for both a single or a double cleanse. Then, apply a hydrating, non-comedogenic serum and follow up with a lightweight moisturizer. This may seem like an overly simplified routine but it covers all bases without overloading your skin. 

4) Make Sure That You Have a Good Sunscreen

skin tone spf 30

UV rays damage the skin year-round, even in the darkest days of the winter. However, once spring arrives, UV radiation increases, with this continuing to rise well into the summer. 

Therefore, although a good sunscreen should be in your skincare arsenal 365 days a year, this becomes even more important once the warmer months roll in. UV damage has been shown to cause up to 80% of the visible signs of skin aging on the face, making this one of the skincare tips that you need to remember. 

While there are plenty of SPF ratings to choose from, the general recommendation is to go with SPF 30. The exception is if you have very sensitive skin that needs more protection. 

Although it’s common knowledge that sun protection is important for the skin, many people still fail to do it. Why? Because they don’t like how it leaves a white cast on their skin, and also believe it to be an inconvenience. The OROGOLD 24K Skin Tone SPF 30 takes care of both of these issues. Being an SPF moisturizer means that it melts into the skin in the way that a regular moisturizer would. It can also replace the moisturizer and the sunscreen that you use in the mornings, simplifying your skincare routine.

5) Add More Antioxidants to Your Skincare Routine

Nano Ultra Silk Serum

Even someone who is extremely diligent about sun protection will still struggle to completely protect their skin. Unfortunately, some sun damage is inevitable. This, paired with the other ways in which the environment wreaks havoc on the complexion, means that the skin ends up dealing with a fair bit of free radical damage each night. Due to stronger UV rays, as well as the fact that you’ll likely be spending more time outside and exposed to air pollution, free radical damage tends to rise in the spring and summer.

Free radical damage not only brings on fine lines and wrinkles so much sooner, but it also causes the loss of firmness, discoloration, dullness, and more. It goes without saying that you want to avoid this as much as possible, and antioxidants are your best weapon.

Just about every expert would agree that antioxidants are most effective when applied as a serum. Here at OROGOLD, we have several antioxidant-rich serums that would be perfect for your spring skincare routine. The 24K Vitamin C Booster Facial Serum is one. Vitamin C has been proven to be capable of reducing and preventing the appearance of UV damage. It’s a fantastic ingredient to use in the spring, and this serum contains plenty of it.

The 24K Nano Ultra Silk Serum is brimming with antioxidants too. It also contains a blend of lightweight plant oils. This enables it to hydrate without leaving the skin feeling heavy or sticky.

6) Revive a Dull Complexion With a Hydrating Mask


If you’re looking for a way to get rid of that winter dullness from your complexion, one of our top skincare tips would be to invest in a good face mask. Although a mask is only used once a week, it’s more than capable of rejuvenating the look of your skin, restoring the radiance that it sported last summer.

The key is in choosing the right face mask. Sheet masks are revered for their hydrating capabilities and can be used on all skin types. The 24K Deep Tissue Rejuvenation Mask and Collagen Eye Mask is particularly popular for reviving the complexion. 

Of course, if you’d like to reduce how oily your skin feels in the spring and summer, a clay mask is what you need. A product like the 24K Advanced Facial Mask will soak up excess oil and impurities, leaving your skin feeling detoxified and refreshed.

7) Spring Clean Your Skincare Stash

Some people spring clean their houses, others spring clean their wardrobes…you need to spring clean your skincare stash. This is one of the skincare tips that you need to remember at least a couple of times a year. It’s so easy to allow old and expired products to pile up in your skincare collection but using those products could end up harming your skin.

How? Once again, it all comes down to free radical damage. However, rather than blaming the sun, this time your expired skincare products are the culprit. When certain ingredients oxidize, those compounds start a whole chain of damage. Rather than helping your skin, keeping those products around will only make matters worse.

How do you know if a skincare product has expired? Most will have a PAO symbol somewhere on their packaging. This will be accompanied by a number. This signifies how many months the product is good for after it has been opened. If you can’t remember when you opened a product but you know that it has been sitting around on your shelf for a year or so, there’s a good chance that it’s coming to the end of its shelf life. Likewise, if one of your products has changed color or developed a strange smell, it’s definitely time to throw it out!

Spring Skincare Tips From OROGOLD

Many people welcome the arrival of spring, knowing that this signifies the end of all of the winter skin problems that they’ve been having. However, for others, it’s only the beginning. With sebum production and cell turnover on the rise, along with the other changes that your skin undergoes with seasonal shifts, the warmer months spell disaster for some.

Fortunately, it doesn’t need to be this way any longer. Keep our skincare tips in mind and start implementing them ASAP to ensure that you’ll be rocking a radiant and healthy-looking glow throughout the season.

Click here to update your spring skincare routine with more bestsellers from OROGOLD.

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The Pros and Cons of Natural Skincare

woman beautiful

More and more people are switching to natural skincare, believing this to be the best way forward for their skin. These all-natural products claim to provide the same benefits as synthetic skincare, leading many to think that there’s no downside involved when it comes to swapping to these formulas.

Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Although natural skincare offers some advantages, it can come with some significant disadvantages too. If you’ve been thinking about jumping onto the all-natural bandwagon, it’s important to fully educate yourself before you do so. After all, you don’t want your skin to end up suffering as a result of an impulsive decision.

So, without further ado, read on as OROGOLD talks you through the main pros and cons of natural skincare. 

Pro: No Harmful Chemicals or Preservatives

One of the biggest benefits that comes from using natural skincare products is that you’ll be saving your skin from exposure to harmful chemicals and preservatives. This is what has put many people off synthetic skincare – over the years, a number of those commonly used preservatives have been proven to be harmful to not just the skin, but the body too.

Natural skincare products use natural preservatives, although these are usually not quite as effective as synthetic preservatives (more on this later!). However, they are less likely to cause problems with your skin, which is why many people are opting for them.

Pro: A Great Source of Antioxidants

24K Nano Hydrasilk Mask

Just about every natural ingredient out there is a fantastic source of antioxidants. If you opt for a skincare product that’s made solely from natural ingredients, then this means that you’ll be giving your skin a fantastic array of antioxidants. With antioxidants proven to neutralize the visible effects of free radical damage, meaning the appearance of wrinkles, discoloration, and more, having a skincare routine that’s jam-packed with antioxidants will really benefit your skin.

With that said, it’s worth keeping in mind that many skincare products that wouldn’t be classed as all-natural offer a high antioxidant content too. The OROGOLD 24K Nano Hydra Silk Mask is a great example. The superfruit extracts that you’ll find in this formula are loaded with potent phytochemicals that your skin will love. You’d also struggle to find some of these rarer ingredients in all-natural products, with everything from noni and Maqui to goji and pomegranate making an appearance.

Pro: Biodegradable and Less Environmental Pollution

More and more people are trying to make eco-friendly choices with their purchases. This makes all-natural skincare even more attractive. When a product is comprised solely of natural ingredients, then this means that the product itself is biodegradable. It won’t cause the same amount of environmental pollution as some synthetic ingredients do.

However, make sure that this applies to the product’s packaging too. Just because a formula is biodegradable and eco-friendly doesn’t mean that its packaging is. If this is something that’s important to you, make sure that the packaging falls in line with your values as well.

Con: Irritation and Contact Dermatitis

Green Mask

As we mentioned above, the fact that natural skincare products aren’t bursting with harmful chemicals and preservatives is a big draw for many. However, don’t automatically assume that these products are going to be better for your skin.

Instead, one study found that nearly every single all-natural product out there contains ingredients that can trigger contact dermatitis. From essential oils to herbal extracts, just because an ingredient is natural doesn’t mean that it’s going to be compatible with your skin. 94% of the time, you could still end up dealing with irritation, discomfort, and redness. These are likely to be the very issues that you were trying to avoid by going with natural skincare in the first place!

Synthetic skincare gets around this by including ingredients that counter the feeling of irritation. Take the OROGOLD 24K Advanced Facial Mask, for example. It contains a long list of natural ingredients, including sage and ivy. These ingredients offer huge benefits but could potentially irritate the skin. To prevent this, the product also features several complexion-soothing ingredients, including aloe vera, vitamin E, and glycerin. This way, your skin is able to benefit from the properties of the active botanicals without having to deal with any of the downsides.

Con: Short Shelf Life

We’ve already talked about how the lack of harmful preservatives in natural skincare products can be beneficial. However, there’s a downside to this too…

Preservatives are used for a reason. They prevent microbial growth, which would cause that product to spoil. Without these preservatives, natural products have a much shorter shelf life. Even if you store your natural products in the fridge, they could end up deteriorating in a matter of weeks. 

Not only does this mean that your skin won’t be benefiting from your skincare efforts, but it could also be putting your skin at risk of damage. Using skincare products that are full of bacteria will only leave your face prone to inflammation, infections, and more.

The good news is that there’s a middle ground; products that contain preservatives that aren’t harmful, just like those used in OROGOLD products.

Con: Missing Out on Potent and Proven Synthetic Ingredients


Many people who choose natural skincare automatically assume that all synthetic ingredients are bad or harmful in some way. However, this isn’t the case at all. Instead, many of the most powerful and effective skincare ingredients out there are synthetically produced and have been proven to be completely safe and non-toxic to the skin.

Take sodium hyaluronate, for example. You’ll find it in the OROGOLD 24K Rose Gold Radiant Silk Cream. It’s a form of hyaluronic acid, which the body produces naturally. It’s one of the best humectants around, meaning that it binds itself to moisture. This is fantastic for hydrating the skin. While there are a few good natural humectants available, it’s unlikely that you’ll find one that’s as effective as sodium hyaluronate!

Peptides are another superstar that you’d be missing out on if you avoided all synthetic ingredients. Again, peptides are naturally produced in the body. The peptides used in skincare products are created to mimic those natural peptides in every way. This is how they’re able to help with everything from the appearance of wrinkles to skin barrier function. The incredible results that peptides provide are why we’ve used multiple peptides in the 24K Anti-Aging Eye Serum. More peptides mean better results!

Con: A Potentially Higher Environmental Impact

In some ways, natural products are more eco-friendly. After all, they’re natural! 

However, when it comes to the overall impact that a product has on the environment, synthetic products often end up being kinder. Many natural ingredients aren’t harvested in a sustainable way, which threatens their future. Some may also be grown in unsustainable ways. Not only could this affect the quality of the ingredient, but this damages the surrounding ecosystem too.

Lab-produced ingredients usually have a much lower environmental footprint. Multiple ingredients can be produced in the same place in a way that doesn’t harm the environment and doesn’t require any air miles. Even better, they can be made in a way that mimics their natural counterparts. This means that you’d be getting the same benefits without contributing to environmental destruction.

Con: Less Consistency

Not only is replicating natural ingredients in a lab often friendlier to the environment, but it also provides consistency in the products that they’re used in. This is difficult to achieve with all-natural skincare products. The nutrient profile of a plant varies throughout its lifecycle, with everything from the weather to its growing environment influencing this. If you were to produce a formula and then try to replicate it a few months later, you could end up with two products that have very different nutrient levels. 

When it comes to lab-produced skincare, consistency is prioritized. After all, if you’ve come to depend on a certain skincare product, you’ll want to see the same results the next time you buy that same product. If you’ve noticed that the natural products you’re using seem to be inconsistent in how they help your skin, this could be why.

Con: A Poorly Regulated Market

Last but not least, let’s talk about regulations in the world of skincare. This is an area that has always been lacking, with regulatory bodies only recently starting to play catch-up. Unfortunately, with natural skincare being a relatively new mainstream market, regulations surrounding these products are even more lax.

Take the term ‘natural’. What does that mean to you? It’s likely that if a product markets itself as being natural, then you would take this as a sign that all of its ingredients have come directly from nature. 

However, this is often not the case. ‘Natural’ is a term that isn’t regulated by the FDA, meaning that anyone can use it. A product that contains one natural ingredient among a long list of harmful chemicals could still promote itself as being natural. It’s a very subjective gray area that has caused many to be misled.

‘Organic’ and ‘clean’ are two other terms that are commonly tossed around. Again, there are no regulations on using these words to describe skincare products. A brand may advertise its product as being organic even if it only contains one organic ingredient among a long list of potentially harmful compounds. When it comes to ‘clean’, this is based purely on opinion. What’s ‘clean’ to one skincare brand may not be clean to you. This is why there’s so much ambiguity when it comes to natural skincare products.

Is Natural Skincare Better?

As you can see, natural skincare comes with more cons than pros. This may very well change in the future when there are more regulations surrounding the concept. However, for now, shunning lab-produced ingredients in favor of less-effective natural alternatives could end up being detrimental to your skin. 

The best way forward would be to find skincare products that combine the best of both worlds. Look for formulas that include plenty of natural ingredients, along with non-toxic preservatives and a few cutting-edge lab-produced compounds. Bringing together science and nature in a safe and effective way is what ultimately provides the best results, and this is exactly what we strive to do here at OROGOLD. 

Click here to shop for more OROGOLD skincare bestsellers.

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The Best Morning Skincare Routine For 2024

woman washing face

Your morning skincare routine sets your skin up for the day, giving it what it needs to keep itself feeling safe and strong when faced with all of the environmental aggressors that each day throws at it. This is why it’s so important to get your morning routine right. Your skin needs specific products and ingredients in order to feel this way. 

At the same time, nobody wants an overly long and complicated routine to follow at the start of each day, especially if your mornings are already usually rushed. Knowing how to give your skin what it needs without spending too much time on it can be tricky. However, this is what OROGOLD is here to help you with. If you’ve been looking for a way to give your 2024 skincare routine a boost, read on as we talk you through the best steps to follow to get your skin glowing all day long.

Begin With a Gentle Cleanser

24K Mousse Cleanser

While some people choose not to use a cleanser in the morning, this is one of the most essential steps that you should be following. Sure, if you cleanse in the evenings and then head straight to bed, your face won’t have much opportunity to come into contact with dirt and pollutants from the outside world. However, sebum and dead skin cells will still build up on your face while you sleep. Meanwhile, any bacteria that’s lingering on your bedding will likely transfer over onto your face.

If you want to rock a fresh and clear complexion throughout the day, then your 2024 skincare routine should always begin with a cleanser. Of course, you don’t want your skin to feel irritated either, especially if you’ve already used a powerful cleanser the night before. So, make sure that you pick a gentle formula for the mornings, such as the OROGOLD 24K Mousse Cleanser.

This cleanser, which is loved by all skin types, lathers up beautifully. However, unlike a foaming cleanser, it won’t strip your skin dry. This is ensured by the numerous moisturizing ingredients in this sulfate-free cleanser, from shea butter to moringa seed oil to organic glycerin. Give your face a once-over with this in the mornings and your skin will immediately look refreshed and perky.

Apply a Toner

24K Mousse Cleanser and 24K Purifying Toner

While you may be tempted to skip the toner in the morning, especially if you don’t have much time, this is a product that only takes a few seconds to apply yet can be transformational for your complexion.

How? Because not only will a toner remove any residue left behind from your cleanser, but it will also rebalance the pH level on the surface of your skin. This goes a long way in preventing the appearance of many visible skin concerns. It will also leave your skin feeling more receptive to the other skincare products that you apply. Add a toner to your 2024 skincare routine and you’ll likely start to see better results from the other products that you’re using.

Some toners serve a few additional purposes too. The OROGOLD 24K Purifying Toner, for example, is incredibly hydrating. It also contains ingredients that calm the look of redness and inflammation while helping to minimize the appearance of enlarged pores. You can either apply some to a cotton pad and swipe this over your face or, if you need to save some time, simply spritz it directly onto your face before moving on to the next step of your skincare routine.

Pat on an Eye Serum

24K Intensive Eye Serum

If you’re trying to save time in the mornings, then this is a step that you could potentially skip. However, if you’re already struggling with your eye area, be it because of the appearance of fine lines, dark circles, puffiness, or anything else, an eye serum should be an essential part of your 2024 skincare routine. 

There are plenty of eye serums out there, but the 24K Intensive Eye Serum is particularly well suited for morning use. For starters, it’s extremely hydrating. Between sodium hyaluronate, glycerin, aloe vera, and peptides, it will immediately leave your eye area looking fuller and plumper. The peptides will also make your skin cells feel stronger and more resilient. This is vital since the eye area is much more delicate than the skin on the rest of the face.

This eye serum has been designed to be a multi-tasker, which is why it will also help with the visibility of dark circles and puffiness. It contains licorice root extract and vitamin C. Both of these are superstars at lightening and smoothing the look of the skin. 

Apply a Vitamin C Serum

Vitamin C Booster Facial Serum

During the day, your skin has to deal with so many environmental aggressors. UV radiation, pollution, and a number of other irritants all cause oxidative damage in the skin. In the short run, this triggers inflammation and, in the long term, it will accelerate the skin aging process. The more oxidative damage your skin undergoes, the sooner you’ll notice the development of fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots.

To prevent the visibility of all of these problems, your morning skincare routine should be focused on neutralizing the appearance of oxidative damage before it has the chance to really take its toll on your complexion. How can you do this? With antioxidants. There are thousands out there to choose from, but vitamin C is undeniably one of the best. Multiple studies have confirmed how this ingredient is capable of reducing and preventing the appearance of oxidative damage, especially when it’s combined with vitamin E. 

This is why the next step in your 2024 skincare routine should be to apply a vitamin C serum. Ideally, pick one that also contains vitamin E, just like the OROGOLD Vitamin C Booster Facial Serum. This formula takes things further by also incorporating vitamin A, bringing together three of the most powerful antioxidants around. It will keep your skin feeling safe all day while enabling it to defend itself against the appearance of oxidative damage.

If You Have Time, Layer on a Hydrating Serum

Termica Activation Serum

Antioxidants aren’t the only ingredient group that your skin would benefit from in the mornings. Humectants are another, with these ingredients loved for their moisture-binding properties. They’re exceptionally hydrating and will help to ensure that your skin looks plump and dewy throughout the day.

There are several humectants out there that are used in skincare products, with sodium hyaluronate and glycerin being two of the most effective. The best way to saturate your skin with these compounds is with a serum. Thanks to how lightweight a serum is, it will quickly sink down into your skin. This allows it to provide an instant moisture boost.

For best results, look for a serum that not only contains sodium hyaluronate and glycerin, but also includes other humectants. The 24K Termica Activation Serum from OROGOLD meets the mark perfectly. In addition to those two humectants, it also boasts collagen, peptides, and seaweed extract, all of which also have moisture-binding properties. Slather this onto your skin in the morning and you’ll look radiant for the rest of the day!

Use an Eye Cream


Now that you’ve applied your serums, it’s time to turn to the heavier products in your 2024 skincare routine. As always, start with the lightest one, meaning that your eye cream should always be applied before your face cream.

Do you really need to use an eye cream? Unlike some of the other steps that we’ve shared, an eye cream isn’t quite as essential, especially if you’re also using an eye serum. However, if you have any visible skin concerns around your eye area, a good eye cream is definitely worth investing in.

While some eye creams are targeted toward specific skin issues, others, like the 24K Intensive Eye Formula Cream, can help in multiple ways. The caffeine in this formula will immediately perk up your complexion. It’ll leave your eye area looking wide awake, even if you’ve just had a late night. Meanwhile, aloe vera hydrates, peptides leave the skin feeling stronger and more resilient, and licorice root extract will lighten the visibility of dark circles and shadows. You’ll also find a few antioxidants in this formula to help keep your eye area feeling protected against oxidative damage.

Moisturize and Protect

24K Skin Tone SPF 30

The final step in your 2024 skincare routine should be to moisturize. However, since you’re following this routine in the morning, sun protection needs to be taken into consideration too. One option would be to treat this as two separate steps; apply a moisturizer and then layer a sunscreen over the top. However, if you want to save some time, an SPF moisturizer will get the job done equally well.

For adequate protection, look for a formula that provides SPF 30, just like the OROGOLD 24K Skin Tone SPF 30. Unlike many of the other SPF moisturizers out there, this one is lightweight and non-greasy. It disappears into the skin quickly, leaving no sticky residue behind. At the same time, it provides the feeling of long-lasting moisture. It also brings together some powerful antioxidants, which will boost how protected your skin feels when faced with UV radiation.

One thing to keep in mind is that a single application of this moisturizer, or any sunscreen, isn’t going to keep your skin protected all day. Instead, every sunscreen out there will only provide protection for two to three hours. After this, you’ll need to apply another layer of product to top up your skin’s defenses. Don’t be tempted to forgo this if you’re spending the day indoors or if the weather is cloudy. UV rays penetrate through both glass and cloud, meaning that year-round protection is needed at all times if you want to keep your skin looking healthy.

Creating Your 2024 Skincare Routine With OROGOLD

Morning skincare routines can be tricky. There’s a fine line between giving your skin all that it needs without having to spend too many precious minutes on it. This is why the routine detailed above is so perfect. You’ll be able to speed through those steps in no time while also ensuring that your skin feels strong, resilient, and protected throughout the day. Be consistent with this routine each day and you’ll soon start to see your skin looking brighter, smoother, and so much healthier!

Click here to explore more skincare bestsellers from OROGOLD.

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Reduce the Appearance of Wrinkles – No Surgery Necessary

woman mature

To a certain extent, wrinkles are inevitable. Everyone will develop them as they progress through life. However, this doesn’t mean that people want to see those creases taking over their skin, making them look older and more haggard.

As a result, more and more people are turning to cosmetic surgery as a way to smooth out their complexion and get rid of those visible creases. Although effective, these treatments are costly and usually require regular follow-up sessions due to their temporary nature. The potential risks that accompany them can be frightening too. Not only do many people experience shocking side effects, but mortality is a possibility as well.

If you’ve been lamenting the appearance of wrinkles on your face but don’t want to take your chances under the knife, that’s more than understandable. The good news is that you don’t need to put yourself through all of that. Read on as OROGOLD talks you through a revolutionary new topical product that will not only instantly erase the look of fine lines and wrinkles but will also give your face a firmer and brighter finish!

Meet the 24K Golden Multi-Corrective Solution

Golden Multi-corrective solution

The 24K Golden Multi-Corrective Solution is a cutting-edge product from OROGOLD. It’s a lightweight serum-like solution that features an advanced blend of ingredients that not only provide instant results but also help to reduce the appearance of aging in the long run too.

Some of the benefits that you can expect to see after using this product include:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles become instantly less visible
  • The skin takes on a firmer and more lifted appearance, leaving it looking significantly younger
  • A skin texture that instantly feels smoother and softer
  • Skin that looks brighter and more radiant

How is this product able to produce such dramatic improvements in the complexion?

It all comes down to the expertly curated combination of fast-acting, science-backed ingredients in this formula. Let’s take a closer look at some of those key compounds:

Sodium Hyaluronate

Sodium hyaluronate makes its way into a large number of skincare products because of how it immediately plumps up the look of the skin. This is down to its hydrating properties. Being a humectant, sodium hyaluronate binds moisture to the skin. This instant boost of hydration gives skin cells a fuller and firmer feel, along with a more luminous appearance. 

Acetyl Hexapeptide-8

Peptides are famous for how they can reverse the look of skin aging. There are several peptides out there but acetyl hexapeptide-8 is revered for its high-performance nature. Research shows that the ingredient is successful at reducing the appearance of both wrinkle depth and count. This gives the skin a smooth and crease-free finish that people absolutely love!


DMAE, which you’ll find on the ingredient list as dimethylaminoethanol tartrate, is a compound that the body produces naturally. When applied topically, it has a lifting and firming effect on the complexion – one that can be seen almost immediately. When combined with antioxidants, which it has been in the 24K Golden Multi-Corrective Solution, it also works to keep the skin feeling protected against environmental aggressors.

Alpha Hydroxy Acids

Alpha hydroxy acids are most commonly seen in exfoliating products. This is because of how they work by dissolving the glue-like bonds on the surface of the skin that hold onto dead skin cells, allowing those cells to then be shed. However, in this product, alpha hydroxy acids are used at a very low concentration. This means that they don’t properly exfoliate the skin but still help to significantly brighten and smooth the complexion.

Vitamin A

Now that we’ve covered the fast-acting ingredients in this product, let’s talk about some of the ingredients that take a little longer to work. Vitamin A is the first, with this antioxidant proven to repair and prevent the appearance of aging. When used regularly, it will soften the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles until they’re barely noticeable!

Cucumber Fruit Extract

There are a few botanical ingredients in the 24K Golden Multi-Corrective Solution, with cucumber fruit extract being one. It’s a great ingredient for soothing the complexion, minimizing the look of redness and inflammation. It also softens the feel of the skin, shrinks the appearance of large pores, and is loaded with antioxidants!

Plant Oils

Plant oils are brimming with fatty acids that work to leave the skin feeling softer and more supple. In this formula, you’ll find a blend of avocado oil and sweet almond oil. Both will help to lock in all of the other ingredients in this solution, enabling them to work more efficiently. They’re also full of antioxidants and vitamins, which will boost your complexion in the long run.

Using the 24K Golden Multi-Corrective Solution

Wondering how you go about using the 24K Golden Multi-Corrective Solution? Here are the steps to follow:

Start With Clean Skin

24K Mousse Cleanser

As always, before applying any skincare product to your face, you need to first cleanse. This will remove any dirt, dead skin cells, and sebum from your skin’s surface, allowing the products that you apply to easily penetrate without having to first fight through those obstacles.

Ideally, you want to do this with a gentle cleanser. Causing any sort of irritation to your skin with a harsh formula will only make your wrinkles look bigger and deeper. 

Our top choice would be the OROGOLD 24K Mousse Cleanser. Massage it into your skin and it forms a luxurious lather that cleanses while moisturizing at the same time. This sulfate-free formula is also filled with plant oils and botanical extracts to leave the skin looking soft and radiant.

Swipe On a Toner

24K Purifying Toner

Although a toner isn’t absolutely essential, it’s still a product worth using if you’re trying to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Not only will a good toner hydrate your skin, which will immediately leave it looking plumper, but it will also rebalance the pH of your skin’s surface. This will leave your skin feeling more receptive to any other products that you apply.

Some toners can be very drying and astringent, so go for a formula that isn’t, just like the OROGOLD 24K Purifying Toner. This lightweight mist can easily be sprayed onto the skin after cleansing, taking no more than a couple of seconds to apply.

Apply the 24K Golden Multi-Corrective Solution

Now that you’ve prepped your skin, it’s time to say goodbye to the wrinkles that have been plaguing your complexion!

To use the 24K Golden Multi-Corrective Solution, start by giving it a twist to remove the top. As you do so, a small pump will emerge from the other end. Press down on the top of the applicator to release the product, applying one to two pumps onto your fingertips. 

Then, gently spread this over your targeted wrinkles. Use your ring finger to tap the product into your skin until it has been completely absorbed. 

Take a look in the mirror and you’ll be delighted to see that your wrinkles now look almost invisible! 

Follow Up With a Moisturizer

24K Skin Tone SPF 30

Once you’ve taken care of your wrinkles, turn your attention to the rest of your face by applying a moisturizer. If you’re using the 24K Golden Multi-Corrective Solution during the day, it’s important to follow up with some SPF too. The OROGOLD 24K Skin Tone SPF 30 would be perfect for this as it not only moisturizes the skin, but also shields against the sun!

Meanwhile, if you’re using the solution in the evening, SPF isn’t needed. However, a cream that focuses on repairing the look of environmental damage would be undeniably beneficial. That’s where the 24K Multi-Vitamin Night Nourishment + Retinol comes in. It’s packed with antioxidants that will leave your skin looking firmer and more youthful.

Other Ways to Reduce the Appearance of Wrinkles Without Surgery

Although the 24K Golden Multi-Corrective Solution produces impressive results, it’s still important not to rely on this alone when dealing with the appearance of aging. The same can be said of surgery. While it can help with the wrinkles that you’re currently sporting, it’s not going to be able to prevent more from forming.

Instead, you’ll need to take a few extra steps, such as:

Being Consistent With Your Skincare Routine

A regular skincare routine is absolutely vital once your skin starts to age. This doesn’t need to be anything complicated, but there are a few products that you should most definitely be using twice a day. Start with a cleanser, follow up with an antioxidant serum, and then finish with a moisturizer, as well as some SPF during the day. Don’t forget that the sun is responsible for up to 80% of the wrinkles that appear on your face, so it’s time to get serious about sun protection.

Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices

No matter how well you take care of your skin with topical products, they won’t make much of a difference if, at the same time, you’re also making unhealthy lifestyle choices. From your diet to your fluid intake to your fitness regimen, your lifestyle has a huge impact on your skin. Try to live a life that’s as healthy as possible, cutting out any vices that you may have, and you’ll be much better equipped to tackle the appearance of wrinkles.

Keeping Stress to a Minimum

Numerous studies have found that psychological stress accelerates the onset of wrinkles. It also increases inflammation in the skin, which leads to a whole host of other problems. This is why, if you want to diminish the appearance of wrinkles, stress management is key. Learn a few stress reduction techniques so that you have something to turn to whenever you’re feeling stressed. Occasional stress isn’t an issue but when stress becomes a common occurrence for you, it’s time to do something about it.


It’s always tempting to turn to surgery as a quick fix for the appearance of wrinkles. While there’s nothing wrong with making this choice, it’s always worth ensuring that you’ve explored all other possible options first, with OROGOLD’s 24K Golden Multi-Corrective Solution being one of them. The way in which it will immediately leave your face looking wrinkle-free will soon make this cutting-edge formula one of your favorite skincare products!

Click here to shop for more bestselling skincare products from OROGOLD.