The Best Evening Skincare Routine for Oily Skin

woman holding face

If you have oily skin, then you’re probably all too familiar with how quickly your skin can start to feel greasy and congested as the day draws to a close. This is why it’s so important to have a solid evening skincare routine. Care for your skin in the correct way each night and you’ll […]

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Posted in Skin Care

From Blemishes to Brilliance: The Journey to Clear, Acne-Free Skin

woman with acne

Sick and tired of dealing with breakouts? Acne is a skin condition that many struggle to get rid of, largely because there are a few different factors that contribute to pimples. Breakouts arise due to the combination of oil, dead skin cells, bacteria, and inflammation in the pores. In order to beat those breakouts for […]

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Posted in Skin Care

Summer Skin: Achieve Your Best Makeup-Free Look

woman cucumber eyes

Struggling to achieve that elusive summertime glow? While some may look effortlessly radiant during the summer months, the warmer weather can actually do far more harm than good for your skin. It triggers several different changes in how the skin functions, meaning that your summer skin care routine needs to be adapted in order to […]

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Posted in Skin Care

The ABCs of Skincare: Ingredients for Beautiful Skin

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While you may have learned your ABCs in primary school, today OROGOLD is going to be talking you through a different alphabet; one that features some of the best skincare ingredients out there. So, sit back, take notes, and get ready to supercharge your skincare routine! A for Avocado Oil Loaded with vitamins, proteins, beta-carotene, […]

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Posted in Ingredients

The Skincare Routine for Every Age

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There’s no getting away from the fact that your skin’s needs evolve with age. As your body grows older, your skin undergoes a number of different changes. This is why experts recommend that people continuously reassess and adjust their skincare routines so that they can adapt to these new requirements. However, this isn’t always strictly […]

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Posted in Skin Care